December 13 2016

50 members and 1 guest took part in our Light Painting workshop hosted by Mike Blazek and Carson Plant. Carson started the evening off by explaining how to use the work stations provided, while Mike discussed the proper settings to be used. (ISO 100, f-16, 30 second exposure) The rest of the night was spent helping each other with camera settings and taking photos using the described light painting technique. The meeting was our first “hands-on” session of the season, and by all accounts, was extremely enjoyed by all who participated.

You can see some more photos of our seminar on our Club Photos page.

We want to thank Carson and Mike for setting up this tutorial and for leading us in one of the most fun meetings in recent memory. Also a special thanks to Patricia, Mary and Tere for our break-time snacks.

• Our next meeting will be held on January 10th when our in-house presenters will be:

– Carson Plant: Photoshop Post Process / Workflow Demo
– Chad Barry: Lightroom Post Process / Workflow Demo
– Dave Noordhoff: What I Considered When I Took These Landscape Images
– Paul Schmoldt – FastStone Demo: Batch resizing of Images and Creating a slideshow


A well-developed photographic style is like a fingerprint – unique to the photographer. Develop your style by using your own judgment and taste, not by consulting others.


What is a Stop? The Common Currency of Exposure Explained