If you want to participate in our CCC the following format must be used.
- 1. Image must be .jpg format and of the following maximum size (also the Optimum size due to projector consideration): 2100 pixels Horizontal and 1575 pixels Vertical. It cannot exceed these sizes but can be smaller.
- 2. Save the .jpg image at ‘10’ compression in Adobe programs, 83% in Lightroom, or 90% compression in FastStone (this free program can be downloaded at http://www.faststone.org/ ).
- 3. Label or name your .jpg image: First and Last Name Competition Theme (with 1, first image submitted, 2, second image submitted) -.jpg: which translates to JohnSmith Open1.jpg
All CCC competition images to be emailed to ccc.picsubmissions@gmail.com. The deadline is 10pm Saturday, ten days prior to the competition when they are judged as per Meeting Schedule. The Competition Mgr. will reply to your entries with a brief note (very brief) when he/she receives them.