• Club member Bob Downey spoke to us about the photos he made in the 1980s with his Miranda G film camera.
55 years ago, Bob paired his camera with a 135mm, manual focus, fixed aperture lens to produce beautiful images, some of which he showed to those in attendance. He went on to explain the technique and the patience required to achieve those results. The Chatham Camera Club thanks Bob for his entertaining and informative presentation, and we look forward to more in the near future.
• Kim Charron was featured in What I Shoot, where she showed us her outstanding photos of wild life, insects, waterfalls, rock formations and birds from New Zealand, Fiji and Costa Rica. Thanks Kim! We loved your show.
• Entries from our February Photo Challenge were reviewed in a slideshow from Tere Deslippe. You can see some of the top scoring photos on our Club Photos page.
• Dave and Jim reviewed some of the fine prints that were brought in for display. Thanks to all who participated. Your next chance to show us a print will be on Thursday, March 21st.
• Club member Herman Geithhoorn will have his Flora And Fungi photos on display at the Wallaceburg And District Museum from Tuesday, April 2nd to Tuesday April 30th.
• Our next meeting will be held via ZOOM on March 12th at 7 PM when guest speaker Kass Stone will present Reality vs Artistry vs Deception In Photography.
“Good composition is like a puzzle. All the pieces must fit together perfectly to complete the picture.” – Joel Edelman