Club Treasurer Julie Fass introduced our guest speaker, Chad Barry, who spoke to us about critiquing photos.
Chad reminded us that critiques are subjective and are only an opinion. Just because someone else doesn’t like one of your photographs, we shouldn’t be offended or stop liking our own work.
He went on to evaluate a series of photos that were provided by our members and attempted to improve them by cropping, straightening, sharpening, lightening shadows, darkening blown out highlights and eliminating distractions.
The Chatham Camera Club thanks Chad for his presentation. We learned a lot about how post processing can improve our pictures.
• Our next meeting will be a live meeting on Thursday, February 29th at Evangel Community Church, 76 Sandys St. Chatham at 7PM
– Our Featured Presenter will be Bob Downey, who will speak to us about Macro Photography.
– Kim Charron will be highlighted in What I Shoot
– We will review our February Photo Challenge Results
– Print Display (show us a print of any size or subject)

“Experience has shown that the more fascinating the subject, the less observant the photographer.” – Andreas Feininger
A “fast lens”. What is it and why does it matter?