• Our guest speaker, Adam Harpula, spoke to The Club about how to pose groups and couples for more pleasing pictures. He went on to demonstrate the different techniques he uses to get people to look their best in a formal photograph by using some club members in a live demonstration. The CCC wishes to thank Adam for his interesting and insightful presentation..
For another take on posing people, check out this YouTube video.
• Christine Thomas was featured in What I Shoot, where she showed us her collection of excellent images. Nice work Christine! We loved your show.
• Entries from our first CCC Photo Competition of the season were reviewed. Top scores in the Novice group went to Dave Richards, Barb Dawson and Christine Thomas. Debby Venne, Stacy Arnold and Kim Charron led the way in the Intermediate Division. Penny Rintoul and David Barr gained top marks in the Advanced group and Jana Smith, Linda Pepper, Mary Craig, Tere Deslippe and Jim Pollock had the high scores in the Salon bracket. You can see the top scoring shots on our Club Photos page.
• Mike and Keith appraised some of the prints that were brought in for display and discussion. Thanks to all who showed us their work. We love looking at your photos!
• Our next meeting will be held via ZOOM on November 14th at 7 PM when guest speaker Lisa Cuchara will discuss “Wabi Sabi”, an upcoming Photo Challenge category.
“Great photography is always on the edge of failure.” – Garry Winogrand
How To Achieve Great Portraits With Window Light