– Club President Cindy Taleski introduced our featured presenter, Keith Blackwell, who spoke to The Club about his specialty, portrait photography.
Keith began by showing us some of his more recent work, an impressive collection of personal and corporate portraits that he made in his own studio. He then touched briefly on his past work experience as a company photographer for Kellogg’s in London. Street photography is another area where Keith excels and we were treated to some of his finest photos. In summery, he reminded us that the basic things needed to succeed in this field are: a model, posing your subject in an interesting way, creating dramatic lighting, and the ability to engage your subjects to put them at ease.
Keith’s fellow Club members thank him for his well planned and superbly executed presentation, and we look forward to learning more in the near future.
– Tere Deslippe gave us an update on this year’s nominations for Club executives. So far, the existing directors have indicated that they are willing to say on for one more season, with the exception of Vice-President Pat Beaton, who will be stepping down at the end of the year. As of now, Mary Craig will allow her name to stand for the position. If you, or someone you know would like to ensure the continued existence of The Chatham Camera Club by becoming a club executive, kindly let Tere know at ccc.picsubmissions@gmail.com
– Wendy McDonald was our featured photographer in What I Shoot, where she showed us her superb images of birds, people, travel, architecture and travel. Thanks Wendy! It was great to see your show.

“It’s not enough to just own a camera. Everyone owns a camera. To be a photographer, you must understand, appreciate, and harness the power you hold!” – Mark Denman

RAW vs JPEG images: what’s the difference?