Club Treasurer Julie Fass introduced our guest speaker, Chris Ogonek from Nikon Canada who spoke to us via ZOOM about Pet Photography.
Chris talked about the advantages of photographing pets with a camera instead of a cell phone. Being able to set a quick shutter speed was a major concern. He also told us how to make the pet more comfortable during a photo session and the value of a treat reward. Chris went on to tell us what camera settings he prefers and how to effectively use flash when photographing pets indoors.
The Chatham Camera Club wishes to thank Chris for his Pet Photography tutorial. It will come in handy for many of our members.
• Our next get-together will be a live meeting on April 25th at Evangel Community Church, 76 Sandys St. Chatham at 7PM
– Keith Blackwell will talk about Portrait Photography
– Wendy McDonald will be our featured photographer in What I Shoot
– We will review our April Photo Challenge Results
– Our Print Displays will be reviewed

“A good photograph is one that communicates a fact, touches the heart, leaves the viewer a changed person for having seen it. It is, in a word, effective.” – Irving Penn