Club Treasurer Julie Fass introduced our guest speaker, Mike Moats.
Mike gave a presentation to The Club via ZOOM about The Properly Equipped Macro Photographer. He explained what macro lenses are available for DSLRs and Mirrorless cameras and informed us how different focal lengths affect our working range. He also gave us a rundown of what equipment and accessories he keeps in his camera bag. Mike went on to explain how he uses narrow apertures like f/22 and f/32 to achieve the large depth of field he requires for his macro photos. Using out of focus photos as backgrounds is another one of his favourite techniques.
The Chatham Camera Club wishes to thank Mike for sharing his time and his knowledge about the challenging area of macro photography. As soon as the warm weather comes, we’ll be sure to put his methods into practice.
For more on the subject, be sure to check out his web page on
Your Guide To Macro Photography Equipment.
• Our next meeting will be a live meeting at Evangel Community Church, 76 Sandys St. Chatham at 7PM
– David Barr will tell us about his Magic Brook Observatory
– What I Shoot by Butch Dompierre
– February Photo Challenge Results
– Print Display (bring in a print for display and discussion)

“Photography has no rules. It is not a sport. It is the result that counts, no matter how it is achieved.” – Bill Brandt

Seven Fascinating Photography Facts You Probably Didn’t Know