• Dave Noordhoff spoke us about the new Nerual Filters in Adobe Photoshop.
For a review of Dave’s lesson, check out this YouTube video.
• Cindy Taleski was our featured photographer in What I Shoot.
She not only showed us some of her excellent work, but presented it in a unique and entertaining way using a slide show program called Canva, which is available at
You can see Cincy’s slide show on the YouTube page below.
• Entries from our February CCC Photo Challenge were reviewed with Ulrike Kruger (24 pts and 22 pts), Barb Dawson (23 pts and 23 pts), and Stacy Arnold (22.5 pts), achieving high scores for the Novice Division’s Seeing Red category. Top marks in the Intermediate, Senior and Salon groups went to Jim Pollock (24.5 pts and 23 pts), Jana Smith (22.5 pts) and Cindy Taleski (22 pts). High fives to all to submitted their photos. They were awesome! You can see the top scoring shots on our Club Photos page.
• Mike and Keith discussed some of the prints that our members brought to the meeting. Several of them were outstanding.
Jim brought in a photo that featured a fish-eye effect, but was not shot with a fish-eye lens. To learn how to do this quickly in Photoshop, see the YouTube video below.
• New items have been added to our Buy/Sell page.
• Our next meeting will be held via ZOOM on March 14th at 7 PM when guest speaker Mike Moats will speak about The Properly Equipped Macro Photographer.
“It’s not when you press the shutter, but why you press the shutter.” – Mary Ellen Mark
Minimalist Photography: A Comprehensive Guide