Club Treasurer Julie Fass introduced our guest speaker, Cheryl Belczak who spoke to us via ZOOM about Photographing White Backgrounds.
Cheryl showed us her impressive collection of flowers and other objects photographed on white backgrounds. She explained how she set these photos up and some of her post-processing techniques. The Chatham Camera Club wishes to thank Cheryl for her interesting talk. We’re sure it will help many of our members prepare for our “White on White” photo challenge.
For some tips on how to do a basic, at home, white on white photo, check out this YouTube video
• Our next meeting will be a live meeting at Evangel Community Church, 76 Sandys St. Chatham at 7PM
– Dave Noordhoff will teach us about Photoshop Filters
– Our What I Shoot segment will feature Cindy Taleski
– The February Photo Challenge results will be reviewed
– We will have our monthly Print Display (bring in a print for display and discussion)

“A true photograph need not be explained, nor can it be contained in words.”
– Ansel Adams