• Meeting host Julie Faas introduced our guest speaker, Cheryl Belczak
Cheryl spoke to The Club about how she goes about creating her beautiful flower images, both in the field and in the studio. Some of her techniques included using a tripod for inside work, shooting in Manual Mode for complete control over the exposure, and using a dedicated macro lens paired with extension tubes to get close enough. She also explained her use of Photoshop layers to achieve her desired blend of subject and background.
The Chatham Camera Club would like to thank Cheryl for her wonderful presentation.
For a review of some of Cheryl’s work, check out her YouTube video
• Our next meeting will be a LIVE meeting at Evangel Community Church, 76 Sandys St. Chatham on October 25th 2022.
– Dave Noordhoff will demonstrate Lightroom’s new features.
– Brian Marchand will be featured in What I Shoot.
– We will review our October Photo Challenge results.
– All members are invited to bring a photo print of any subject, any size for display and discussion.
– If you have photo related equipment that you would like to sell, bring it in. We’d love to have a look at it.
“A photographer’s work is given shape and style by his personal vision. It is not simply technique, but the way he looks at life and the world around him.” – Pete Turner
9 Tips for Gorgeous Fall Photography