• Dave Noordhoff spoke to The Club about The Sunny 16 Rule and how we can apply it in digital photography.
A throwback from the film days, the Sunny 16 Rule says that if we set our aperture to f/16, we can obtain a proper exposure by using a shutter speed that is 1/ the ISO. ie; If our ISO is set to 100, dial in a shutter speed of 1/100 and use f/16 as our aperture, and the exposure should be correct. This will make an interesting experiment for all of us to try. It’s bound to give us a better understanding of how our cameras meter system works. You can see a summery of Dave’s lesson about The Sunny 16 rule HERE
Dave also discussed several different photography exercises to try over the coming months in an effort to stretch our photo creativity.
- How high can your camera’s ISO setting go before we start to see unacceptable grain?
- How slow of a shutter speed can you hand hold before camera shake ruins our photo?
- Break the habit of photographing what we like to shoot and try something out of our comfort zone.
- Experiment with Getting Everything In Focus (Or Don’t) by using aperture settings to change the depth of field.
- There Is More Than One Right Answer to get a proper exposure. Try different settings and see what you get.
- What’s Your Guess? Shoot in one of the Automatic Modes and guess what settings your camera chose.
- The Decisive Moment (Or Place) is the perfect time or angle to take a photo. Experiment with finding that out.
As always, Dave did an exception job in researching is lesson and presenting it in a way that we can al learn from it. Thanks Dave!
• Clark Warner was featured in our What I Shoot segment.
Clarke showed us a sample of his excellent portfolio, which consisted of nature, scenic, aircraft, floral, marine and abandoned building photos. Awesome job Clark. We were expecting your photos to be great, and they were!
• Entries from our final CCC Photo Competition of the season were reviewed. The scores and final standings will be revealed at our next meeting.
• Dave and Keith reviewed some of the “digital prints” that were sent in for display and discussion.
We saw some very nice work from our members and our compliments go out to all who submitted their photos. We’ll do this again next season, so keep that in mind over the summer!
• During the “digital print” segment, Jim showed us a couple of images he created using a Twirl Technique.
If you would like to learn how to do this, check out this YouTube video.
• Our final meeting of the year will be held via ZOOM on May 10th at 7 PM. Plans for our summer Walk-Abouts will be announced, as well as the results from this year’s Photo Challenges. Special citations will also be given for Photo Of The Year and the People’s Choice Award.
“When people look at my pictures I want them to feel the way they do when they want to read a line of a poem twice.” – Robert Frank
The 10 Best Lenses for Travel Photography