• Our own Dave Noordhoff lead a discussion on what lenses to use when shooting Landscape photos.
Dave explained how lenses of different focal lengths affect our field of view. This was followed by two YouTube videos by Mads Peter Iverson and Mike Smith. As always, Dave did a superb job!
For more about lenses, check out this YouTube video on
How different focal lengths change your image.
• Entries from our March Photo Challenge were reviewed with Cindy Taleski (24 pts), and Penny Rintoul (21.5 pts) getting top marks for the Novice Division’s Bridges category. High scores in the Intermediate, Senior and Salon groups for their Paths And Walkways photos went to Tere Deslippe (24 pts and 22.5 pts), Linda Pepper (23 pts x 2), Clark Warner (22.5 pts) and Jim Pollock (23 pts and 22.5 pts). Congratulations to all! You can review the top scoring shots on our Club Photos.
• Julie Faas took the spotlight in our What I Shoot feature.
Julie showed us her impressive collection of Floral images, augmented by her Landscape and Nature photos. She received many messages of high praise for her excellent work.
• Dave and Keith reviewed the “digital prints” that were sent in for display and discussion and once again we were treated to some very creative photos by our members. Our next print display will be held on April 26th and we would love to see a couple of your favourite photos, any size, any subject. Kindly send them to Dave at dnoordhoff@cogeco.ca. Regular Club sizes of 1400 pixels wide / 1050 pixels tall are requested. If you don’t know how to size your photos, send them anyway and they will be resized for you.
• Our next ZOOM meeting will held on April 12th when pro photographer Chad Barry will speak to us about “How To Critique a Photo”.
“The camera is an excuse to be someplace you otherwise don’t belong.” – Susan Meiselas
Lens Distortion in Photography: A Quick Guide