October 12 2021

• We joined a Zoom meeting with award-winning photographer Lisa Langell for a presentation called An Artistic Photographer Lies in ALL of Us.

Lisa pointed out that creativity can be learned, and that we can get past boring, repetitive photos and strive for something more creative using skills we already have. She also showed us how light and contrast can be used to draw the viewer’s eye where we want them to look.
The Chatham Camera Club wishes to thank Lisa for allowing us to join her pre-scheduled zoom meeting, and for sharing her remarkable talent with us.

• We remind everyone that this season’s dues are to be paid no later than Sunday, October 24th.

• Reviving a feature that we haven’t been able to do for the past three years due to time constraints, we are reintroducing Photo In Focus. This month’s featured photographer is our new president, Cindy Taleski.

• Our next Zoom meeting will be held on October 26th at 7 PM.


You have to know what bad light is to know what good light is.


The problem with “Fix it in post” and “Get it right in the camera.”