• 56 people, including 3 visitors and 3 new members attended our meeting.
• President Vince Gagnier cautioned Facebook users against posting the pictures that they plan on using in a CCC competition. If someone who is going to be a judge sees them, the pictures many not have a much impact as they would if they were being seen for the first time.
Vince also reminded us to check out the Buy / Sell section of the CCC website, where there are always good deals to be had from people you know.
• Our guest speaker was Antony Chodas from Camera Canada in London.
Antony discussed the progression in size of digital camera sensors and how many megapixels we really need to make the common sizes of prints. He also showed us some of the latest trends in photography equipment, including underwater cameras, mirrorless cameras, 3600 cameras, ultra-wide and ultra-zoom lenses and instant print systems.
The Chatham Camera Club would like to thank Antony for making the trip from London to Chatham to give his highly informative and entertaining presentation. We encourage all of our members who are in the market for photo equipment to visit CameraCanada.com or their store at 217 Dundas Street in London.
• Herman Giethoorn presented his tutorial on Macro Photography where he showed us different methods of achieving up-close photographs, including Close-Up Filters, Focusing Rails, Bellows, Ring Flashes and Macro Lenses. We were also treated to a slideshow of some of Herman’s excellent Macro pictures. Nice job Herman! Thanks a lot.
• A handful of members brought in prints for display and conversation. We would love to see more people take advantage of the opportunity to show some of your work in a non-competitive environment. Any size, any subject is more than welcome. Print services are available from Wal-Mart and Shoppers Drug Mart on St. Clair St.
• Our next meeting will be on November 24th when our own Chad Barry will present Travel To Olympic National Park and
How Not To Get Your Camera Gear Stolen.
The results from our latest photo competition will be displayed, with the Novices entering Flowers and the Intermediate, Advanced and Salon groups submitting Sill Life / Table Top.
Beauty can be seen in all things. Seeing and composing the beauty is what separates the photograph from the snapshot.
Dedicated macro lenses are usually prime lenses with the ability to focus very close to the subject. Though most prime lenses can also perform well at infinity, they are optimized for close range work and are used for rendering small objects very large in the frame.