January 13 2015

Despite the extreme cold, our first meeting of the calendar year brought out 48 members, 3 guests and 2 new members.

• Kathryn Parent was featured in How to shoot storms and other interesting weather, where she showed us some of her stunning weather shots and what it takes to capture them. Safety was one of Kathryn’s main concerns and she made sure that would-be weather chasers understood the dangers of potentially violent storms. Many of us find this area of photography to be absolutely fascinating and extremely difficult to achieve and we thank Kathryn for sharing some of her knowledge and techniques. Several of those in attendance said they were inspired to give shooting interesting weather a try.

Some of the resources that Kathryn and Dave use to find interesting weather are:

KathrynParent-4-in-one   KathrynParent-cloud-to-ground

• Vince Gagnier and Dave Noordhoff reviewed some of the prints that were brought in for display. Club members love to see what others have been shooting and if you’d like to participate, your next opportunity will be on Tuesday, February 10th. Any size, any subject is welcomed. Don’t be shy. We’d love to see some of your work.


The work of other people can be key in helping you to develop your own style, hone your skills and increase your knowledge.


Ten Questions To Ask When Taking A Photo

1. What story am I telling?
2. What is the visual focal point of this shot?
3. What competing focal points are there?
4. What is in the background and foreground?
5. Am I close enough?
6. What is the main source of light?
7. Is my framing straight?
8. What other perspectives could I capture this subject from?
9. How will the eye travel through this image?
10. How would holding the camera in the other format change this shot?