February 26th, 2013

Despite the inclement weather, a good turnout was on hand to welcome three guests and one new member to The Club.

Judging was held for upcoming CAPA competitions in the Open and Nature categories, with some excellent photos being chosen as our entries.

Dave Noordhoff led a demonstration of different ways to carry cameras, lenses and accessories with the help of Vince Gagnier and Jim Pollock. The Club was shown several products, including equipment made by Think Tank,
Cotton Carrier and Black Rapid. Paul Schmoldt showed us some of the essensials he carries in his gadget bag, including cleaning cloths, bandages, kneeling pads and plastic bags.

Due to the icy road conditions that were developing, the meeting ended early and the judging for the CCC competitions will be held at our March 12th gathering.

Photography is a way of capturing moments that deserve to be seen again.