November 9th / 2010

Paul opened our meeting by presenting Lifetime Chatham Camera Club Membership Certificates to Margaret Chrysler, Jean McCracken and Les McCracken. Congratulations to all.

The Club was reminded of our first Christmas Breakfast coming up on December 11th at the Chatham Breakfast House.

Les, Jim, Carson, Herman and Paul were called upon to share their thoughts on how they judge competition pictures. They all agreed that for a picture to score well, it must meet the following standards.

  • Falls into the required category
  • The main subject is sharp
  • Has a straight horizon
  • Is cropped to its best advantage
  • Shows an interesting composition

After our break, Print Manager Les McCracken critiqued a wide variety of member’s prints that showed “Hands At Work”. A special thanks goes out to Frank Vadovic and Vince Gagnier for their very clever and inventive new display rack. Well done gentlemen.

Jim and Paul showed how to make a “zoom burst” photo in Photoshop Elements. You can watch a tutorial at Photo Radar

Paul showed us why he chose Faststone as one of the Club’s official pieces of photo editing software, as he demonstrated the capabilities of this amazing program. You can download your free copy at