November 23 / 2010

Our president began the evening by informing our members about the recent meeting of SWOPA (South Western Ontario Photographers Association) in Stratford. Details of that meeting will be presented in the near future.

We are still taking suggestions for next summer’s Walk-Abouts, with Blenheim being one possibility.

Voluntary donations are now being accepted for snacks during our break period.

Upcoming workshops will include Herman Giethoorn’s presentation on Photography After Sunset, which will be presented at the December 14th workshop.

Dave Noordhoff advised the group that the updated Chatham Camera Club Constitution has been finalized and will be sent to each member before Christmas.

Paul presented a short tutorial on How to label and resize images for competition in FastStone Image Viewer

Herman Giethoorn reviewed the CCC Nature submissions to CAPA, which received very similar scores as those given by our club’s judges.

Judging was held for the Beginners in the Nature category, with several entries showing that some of the new members are continuing to advance very quickly. Laird Vanderende had the top scoring photo here at 22 points. Several outstanding images by Intermediate and Advanced members were seen during the judging of their Action shots, with Margaret Manson and Frank Vadovic tie for the high score of 21 points in this category. You can see some of the other higher scoring shots on our Club Photos page.