Meeting February 24/2009

A big Thank You to Mike Blazek for putting together and presenting his show “Walk With Me, Asia” and give us a rare and candid look at the culture and people that Westerners very seldom get to see. His superb photography, married with the excellent editing thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Vadovic, was indeed a show ‘Tour de Force’. We are all looking forward to see more from them in the future.

In our ‘Hair’ competition, Jim Pollock got the top score with 23 points for his ‘Hair in the Soup’ rendering that gave everybody a good laugh. Images selected through voting for CAPA ‘Creative’ competition were submitted by Jim Pollock, Mike Blazek, Martha Gillier, Doug Woodman, Nelson Harrison and Carson Plant and CAPA ‘Nature’, Frank Vadovic, Paul Schmoldt, Patricia Kral, Nelson Harrison, Lorie Cooper and Margaret Manson.

Congratulations all.