Our guest speaker was former Canadian Fine Art Photographer of the Year, Lee Nordbye, who presented Making Monochrome Magic, where he showed us his end-to-end process, with a focus on the power of editing. One of the main steps he uses is
DXO’s Nik Collection, a Photoshop filter which offers a 30 Day Free Trial. Lee’s other go-to software is Adobe’s Lightroom.
The Chatham Camera Club thanks Lee for his informative and entertaining presentation. We’ll all be making much better black and white images from now on.
For another take on making excellent black and white images in Photoshop, check out the YouTube video below.
• Mary Craig will answer the often asked question, “How are my images judged?” by giving us a presentation on critiquing and judging photographs.
• Results of the February Photo Challenge will be reviewed
• Keith Blackwell will be featured in What I Shoot
• Our monthly Print Display will be shown. All members are invited to bring in a print, any size, any subject, for viewing and discussion.
“Photographers should follow their own judgement and not the fads and dictates of others.” – Bill Brandt