Picnic August 9th/2008 – A Great Time Had By All!!

picnic.pngWe at the CCC would like to give a GREAT BIG THANKS to Keith McLean for the use of his beautiful property. I am sure we will all agree the photos we took will be beautiful.  We would also like to thank Martha Gillier and Patty Arsenault for all the arrangements including food and cooking, etc. GREAT JOB GIRLS!!!  It was a good turnout this year about 40 or so people, dispite a little bit of rain we all had a great day! Thanks to everyone involved.

One thought on “Picnic August 9th/2008 – A Great Time Had By All!!

  1. Hi Everyone,
    Needless to say we stopped at the picnic minutes before the downpour. We enjoyed getting a few great shots and the food.
    Thanks to everyone who organized it and yes, to Keith for sharing his wonderful property and lotus farm.
    I’m so glad I made it this year.

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