CCC Picnic

groupshot_0601web.JPGOur first BBQ at Keith McLean’s farm was a great success with over 25 participants. Hopefully this will be an annual event. We had beautiful sunny weather and lots of opportunities to take photos of the large Lotus ponds (second to none in Canada to my knowledge) and the many flowers.

A huge Thank You goes out to Keith McLean for his generosity in providing his property for our picnic. Also a well deserved Thank You to Martha Gillier for not only arranging for all the food, condiments and snacks, but also for personally grilling all the sausages and burgers on the BBQ. Group photo courtesy of the Armstrongs.

One thought on “CCC Picnic

  1. What a great summer! My photography has improved greatly in the last year and I credit that to all the tips, educational sessions and critiquing exercises we participated in with the Chatham Camera Club. I’m looking forward to a new year and more to learn. A special thanks to all the individuals at the club who gave me their personal tips on how to improve my photography.
    April Sansen
    PS: The Rondeau Yacht club thanks you as well seeing as they were the beneficiaries of a lot of my photographs.

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